"Soviet soldiers rape a German woman on the streets of Leipzig in 1945 Year »
1) The photo is a rather sloppy collage, as evidenced by the contours around the faces of soldiers and women's skirts (traces of carving and the subsequent imposition of one image on another); 2) The soldiers are dressed in the uniform of the soldiers of the Soviet Army, which began to be used since 1956 - see the Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "Rules for wearing the uniform of the Soviet Army and Navy in 1956" ( http://www.vedomstva-uniforma.ru/forma1956/1956.html ) 3) The author of this installation is completely unaware of the practice of serving soldiers of the Soviet Army in the territory of occupied Germany and, especially, in the Warsaw Treaty countries including the GDR. Soldiers carried out their service abroad exclusively in the territory of their garrisons, had no opportunity to obtain permission for "dismissal" - i.e. Short-term individual visit from the territory of its military unit for the purpose of recreation and entertainme...