(VIII)Mobilization, evolution and sustainability of Soviet army and war effort
Part 8- Training improvements in the Red Army
As decently trained regular pre war army was destroyed in surprise attack,urgent needs of 1941 and early 1942 dictated short training, rapid deployment and consequently unusually high losses. By late 1942 things were already changing. Year and a half of combat exposed and eliminated inept commanders, hasty promoted before the war during the purge and expansion. Entire officer corps had much more experience and capable junior officers were rising to senior positions. Unfortunately unlike Germans who accumulated experience in period prior to Great Patriotic War, Soviets had to do their learning through combat and constant crisis.Contrary to what many think, Soviet command tried to emphasize training of the troops but could engage in it only as much as situation permitted. As early as March 16th 1942 Stalin issued orders for improvements of recruits training.By late 1942 because of influx of officers was higher than needed, length for infantry officer courses increased to a full year, and up to 18 months for other branches, while academy level education was doubled to two years. Zhukov writes in his memoirs that Red Army had 93 500 officers in reserve in 1943! Sharp contrast to deficit in previous year. Already in late 1943 some of surplus officers, especially engineers were being demobilized and returned to civilian sector.
Rank and file trening level improved substantially as well. From 1942 17 years old were being called in order to get more training before they were deployed. From late 1942 infantry had 4 month of training at least, tank crews trained from 8-12 months, cadets in artillery schools 7-10 months,anti aircraft artillery 8-10 months, sappers 6, bridging units 8, electro mechanical personnel 10. This more competent and trained army finally and belatedly earned Stalin’s trust and political level decisions interfered significantly less with military work from late 1942. Embodiment of this can symbolically be seen as official abolishment of commissar role as co commander of units in October 1942.Conversely rising losses and fuel inadequacies caused German units training to become ever shorter and less effective, though effectiveness of units in the field remained high even in final days due to core of experienced veterans.
by Luka Bilić
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