by Luka Bilić Rzhev salient was created during Soviet winter Moscow counter offensive and was a direct result of resilience of German 9th Army and its new commander general Walter Model. While on his flanks 2nd and 3rd Panzer Armies were falling back in dissaray, Model’s command managed to mostly hold its positions deeply jutting into Soviet held territory toward Moscow. This outstanding defensive success helped stabilize front of entire AGC, anchor its defenses and deny Soviets access to vital communication lines and centers at Sychevka and especially Vyazma. Without proper lines for mass transport, modern war offensives (especially Red Army from that period of war) were running on borrowed time and had very limited reach. After front completely stabilized by late spring 1942 salient not only became of defensive importance but provided very valuable ground for potential new German try aimed at Moscow. Zhukov insisted for salient to be eliminated. First try was in summer with two...