Fintyna Alba Incident, also known as Fintyna Alba Massacre
During the civil war in Russia, Romania, taking advantage of the weakness of the young Soviet country, the civil war and the military intervention of 14 states, occupied a territory that never belonged to Romania and was part of the Russian empire under an agreement between Turkey and Russia even at a time when Romania was not even drawn on the map of the world. During the entire existence of this territory as part of Romania, the Soviet side never recognized these territories as part of Romania and constantly demanded that stolen land be returned to the Soviet state. Anti-Romanian uprisings and riots such as the Tatarbunar uprising (rum., Mold. Răscoala de la Tatarbunar, Ukr. Tatarbunarske rebel) in 1924, when the fire of the anti-Romanian uprising swept across the whole south of Bessarabia, constantly flared up on this territory. And only when the beginning "smelled of fried ass" Romanians without military action returned these lands to the USSR. Some fa...