Soviet-Polish war

Conditional name of the myth

In 1920, the Bolsheviks, in order to spread the world revolution, attacked Poland.

Examples of using

“11.11.1918 Poland was proclaimed an independent state. In 1920, the troops of Soviet Russia attacked Poland, but were defeated at Warsaw. According to the Riga Agreement of 1921, the lands of Western Ukraine and Byelorussia were transferred to Poland from Soviet Russia ”).

This myth is so popular that it is supposed to be an axiom that is known to any educated person so well that it can be joked, jealously denying this “fact”: “The hour is not far off when it turns out that the Poles attacked us in the twentieth year, and the Finns in the thirty-ninth ").

Or here is a typical example from the forum speeches of an adherent of the myth:

“HAHAH! You should at least read your canonical Stalinopupkin story! I would have known then why the Soviets were flooded in Poland, and what the “world revolution” is. A "Poles as part of the interventionists ..." GY-GY! Poland declared independence on November 11, 1918, and already in 1920 it had to be protected from the Katsapobolshevitsky hordes! And they defended, So much so that the katsaps of Comrade Tukhachevsky did not know where to drape from under Warsaw! ”


M. Bernshtam about the failure of Soviet aggression in Europe:

“1920 ... Red armies prepared for the cast near the borders of Poland, and the already composed red Polish government (the irreplaceable iron Felix Dzerzhinsky, Markhlevsky, Kon, Ganetskiy, Kozlovsky) was riding in a wagon train. And red Berlin is only waiting for a signal for rebellion ”).

Also near this myth was noted and Suvorov-Rezun:“Germany is a powder keg, and only one spark is needed ... The Red Army March (Budyonny March) includes the words:“ Give Warsaw! Give Berlin! ”The theoretician of Soviet communists Nikolai Bukharin in the newspaper Pravda proclaims a more decisive slogan:“ Directly to the walls of Paris and London! ”But Poland is on the path of the Red Legions. There is no common border between Soviet Russia and Germany. To ignite the fire of revolution, it is necessary to crush the dividing barrier - a free, independent Poland. To the misfortune of the Communists, the commander who did not understand the essence of the strategy was at the head of the Soviet troops - M.N. Tukhachevsky. The armies of Tukhachevsky were defeated near Warsaw and shamefully fled).


Perhaps the author of the myth is Suvorov-Rezun. Perhaps this is older anti-Soviet folklore, based on traditionally poor knowledge of history by anti-Soviet intellectual circles, multiplied by the all-knowing aplomb characteristic of this public and the denial of any truth for the USSR or Russia. People have heard something like this about the “liberation campaign of 1920”, about the “miracle on the Vistula,” and, not knowing the details, they say something like this: “We know these“ liberation campaigns ”; little Poland cannot attack big Russia, right? So, they were going to capture Europe, bring a revolution with hostility. Of course, the Bolshevik hordes wanted just that, it could not be otherwise. ”

In 1919, after the departure of the German army, the Red Army came to the territory of Belarus and Lithuania. January 10, 1919 Minsk was occupied and the Byelorussian SSR was proclaimed. On January 27, Lithuania was included in it, and the republic became the Lithuanian-Belarusian SSR. On February 3, the republic entered the federation with the RSFSR.

On the other hand, Polish troops were drawn in, with the goal of restoring the Polish borders within the Commonwealth. On February 9-14, 1919, the Polish units occupied the Kobrin-Pruzhany line. The Polish-Soviet front was formed. There was a Civil War in Russia, Denikin was in force - and, taking advantage of the convenient moment, the Poles hit the Red Army, which was forced to disperse forces on several fronts.

On February 28, General Ivashkevich’s units attacked Soviet troops along the Shchara River and on March 1 occupied Slonim.

On March 2, parts of Listovsky took Pinsk.

On April 19, the Poles occupied Lida, Novogrudok, Baranovichi and Vilna.

On April 28, the Poles occupied Grodno.

On June 25, the Council of Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, France, the United States, and Italy authorized Poland to occupy eastern Galicia.

On July 4, Molodechno was occupied by the Poles.

July 25 - Slutsk.

On August 9, Minsk was taken by the Poles.

On August 29, Bobruisk was taken by the Poles.

Then a truce was concluded and a diplomatic struggle began with the participation of Poland, the Entente and Denikin.

On December 8, 1919, the Entente Supreme Council recommended the Curzon Line as the eastern border of Poland. However, the Polish troops were much east, and refused to give up the occupied territories.

After the start of the Polish-Soviet negotiations, also failed.

In early January 1920, the Poles resumed hostilities. Dinaburg was taken.

On March 6, the Poles launched an offensive in Belarus, taking Mazyr.

On April 25, 1920, the Polish troops, having three-fold numerical superiority over the Red Army, attacked the positions of the Red Army along the entire length of the Ukrainian border and by April 28 occupied the Chernobyl-Kozyatin-Vinnitsa-Romanian border line. The troops of our 12th army have lost uniform control. The Poles captured more than 25 thousand Red Army soldiers, captured 2 armored trains, 120 guns and 418 machine guns.

On May 7, the Poles occupied Kiev.

On May 14, the counter-offensive of the Red Army began - the very one which is given out by myth-makers as "aggression against Poland."

On June 10, the Poles left Kiev - and then they drove them almost to Warsaw itself, where luck turned away from the Red Army. But this is a completely different topic.

As you can see, it was Poland that started the war in 1919, and the Red Army entered Poland on the shoulders of the Polish Army retreating from Kiev.
