Nazi bloody crimes in Crimea (video)
In the early morning of December 30, 1941, aterrible picture unfolded in front of a landing party of red sailors on theKerch Peninsula: four thousand citizens from the city, in Bagerovsky Moat, layseven thousand citizens of the city and its environs, torn to pieces by Germanfascists and their minions - policemen and spies. The moat for a kilometer,four meters wide, to a depth of two meters was full of the corpses of women,children, the elderly, adolescents. Near the moat were frozen puddles of blood.There were also baby hats, toys, ribbons, torn buttons, gloves, bottles withnipples, stumps of arms, legs and other parts of the body. All this wassplattered with blood, brains. At the edge of the moat lies a tormented youngwoman. In her dying embrace, an infant is neatly wrapped in a white laceblanket. Next to her lie an 8-year-old girl and a boy of about 5, shot throughby explosive bullets. Their arms gripped her mother’s dress. Next to this womanlies the corpse of another woman. As if seeking salvation, a 10-year-old boyburied his face in her lap. Here lies the corpse of a young beautiful woman ofabout 30. Her hands frantically clutched at the braids. Before dying, indesperation, she tore her luxurious hair. Next to her lies a gray-haired old woman- apparently the mother of the murdered woman - both of them froze in the coldafter much torment from their wounds. Fighters of the Red Army who had seenspecies on the fronts of the Patriotic War were shocked by the inhuman crueltyand bloodthirstiness of the German fascists.Comrade Molotov, in a note aboutthe atrocious atrocities, atrocities and violence of the Nazi invaders in theoccupied Soviet regions, described the atrocities of the Nazis in Kerch as"one of the bloodiest crimes of the German army on Soviet soil."Whydid the Hitlerite bandits so brutally crack down on the peaceful inhabitants ofKerch? Why did Hitler's villains shoot the blind 65-year-old Zamlinskaya andher 2-month-old grandson? Why did they kill 70-year-old Alexander Sazonov,70-year-old cripple Suleiman Ashirov, 96-year-old Ivan Fedorov, 94-year-oldMarkman D. and many thousands of others?As indicated in the note comradeMolotov, the extermination of the civilian population - this is not anaccidental phenomenon, but is carried out at the direction of the Germancommand, from above. The extermination of the population of the occupiedregions is one of the main points of the "program" of German fascism.“We need to destroy twenty million people. From now on, this will be one of themain tasks of German politics, tasks designed for a long time: to stop by allmeans the fertility of the Slavs ”- this is the software installation given bythe maniac Hitler to his stupid and cruel soldiers.A fewdays after the Germans invaded Kerch, the German command organized a citycouncil. It pulled out a certain Tokarev, a 60-year-old dirty old man who wasthe city head under tsarism, and appointed him to the same position. Then thestaff of the city police was staffed - exclusively from criminals convicted bythe Soviet government for hooliganism, robbery, theft and who had been inprison for at least five years. An old spy, convicted by a Soviet court in thecase of the Industrial Party, a certain Yanshin, and other villains, wasinvited to the council. The first step of this council was the order: theinhabitants of the city to hand over to the German commandant all the foodavailable in each family. For discovered food that was not delivered in excessof the “norm”, the owner was subject to execution. By order No. 2, the citygovernment ordered residents to immediately register all chickens, roosters,ducks, turkeys, sheep, cows, bulls, calves and all livestock. All poultryowners were strictly forbidden to use it for their needs without the specialpermission of the German commandant. After the publication of these orders,general searches began in all houses and apartments. The Gestapo’s outraged.For every extra kilogram of beans or meat, the villains shot the head of thefamily. In the city, there was no trade at the bazaar. The shops were empty.Only soldiers and Gestapo soldiers walked the streets. The civilian populationhid, the city froze.Arriving in Kerch with special powers of the BerlinGestapo, the head of the department for the extermination of civilians (thereis such a department in the Berlin Gestapo), a certain Feldman * on November 24ordered all residents of Kerch and its environs to register within three days.Registration took place on the premises of the city government and the Gestapoaccording to Soviet passports. Already at the very registration, the Gestaporobbed people who came to them. For many women, the registrar took off hisfavorite watch.The Germans began their atrocities with the execution of 245 school-age
children. According to the order of the German commandant, all schoolchildren
were obliged to come to school on time. Appearing 245 students with textbooks
in their hands were sent by the German director out of town, to the factory
school, supposedly for a walk. There, the director offered hot coffee with
pies, poisoned by poison, to the chilled and starving children. Those children
who lacked coffee were summoned by a German paramedic to the "outpatient
clinic" and smeared their upper lips with potent poison. After 10-15
out by truck eight kilometers from the city and shot from machine guns.
Poisonous children were subsequently taken away and dumped there.On November
28, in the evening, a Gestapo order No. 4 was posted around the city, according
to which residents registered in the Gestapo should have arrived on Sennaya
Square on November 29, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., with a three-day supply of food
with them. Appeared was ordered to all, without distinction of gender, age,
regardless of health status. For failure to appear on the square, the Germans
threatened with public execution. By 12 o’clock in the afternoon, about 5
thousand people gathered at Sennaya Square: pregnant women, boys and girls,
children of all ages, and old people. They thought that the Germans called them
to work on the Marienthal collective farm. Only some daredevils did not come to
the Gestapo. All those who came to Sennaya Square were sent to a city prison,
and here, in a prison cell, German animals showed what they were capable of
when unarmed and defenseless people were in their power. The Nazis took away
from all prisoners knives, razors, needles, pins and all iron objects - all
that in a moment of despair a person can use for self-defense. But this was not
enough for the vile fascist killers: they decided to bring the doomed crowd of
unfortunates to exhaustion. For this purpose, they thirsted them for several
days in a row, fed salty hamsa, not giving a drop of water. Only a few who were
at the windows managed to quench their thirst with snow obtained through a
trellis, and the entire crowd of many thousands was condemned to painful torture.
children. According to the order of the German commandant, all schoolchildrenwere obliged to come to school on time. Appearing 245 students with textbooksin their hands were sent by the German director out of town, to the factoryschool, supposedly for a walk. There, the director offered hot coffee withpies, poisoned by poison, to the chilled and starving children. Those childrenwho lacked coffee were summoned by a German paramedic to the "outpatientclinic" and smeared their upper lips with potent poison. After 10-15minutes, all young children were euthanized. High school students were takenout by truck eight kilometers from the city and shot from machine guns.Poisonous children were subsequently taken away and dumped there.On November28, in the evening, a Gestapo order No. 4 was posted around the city, accordingto which residents registered in the Gestapo should have arrived on SennayaSquare on November 29, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., with a three-day supply of foodwith them. Appeared was ordered to all, without distinction of gender, age,regardless of health status. For failure to appear on the square, the Germansthreatened with public execution. By 12 o’clock in the afternoon, about 5thousand people gathered at Sennaya Square: pregnant women, boys and girls,children of all ages, and old people. They thought that the Germans called themto work on the Marienthal collective farm. Only some daredevils did not come tothe Gestapo. All those who came to Sennaya Square were sent to a city prison,and here, in a prison cell, German animals showed what they were capable ofwhen unarmed and defenseless people were in their power. The Nazis took awayfrom all prisoners knives, razors, needles, pins and all iron objects - allthat in a moment of despair a person can use for self-defense. But this was notenough for the vile fascist killers: they decided to bring the doomed crowd ofunfortunates to exhaustion. For this purpose, they thirsted them for severaldays in a row, fed salty hamsa, not giving a drop of water. Only a few who wereat the windows managed to quench their thirst with snow obtained through atrellis, and the entire crowd of many thousands was condemned to painfultorture.Theextermination of civilians by fraud in prison was carried out by the Germans inaccordance with the Gestapo’s previously developed instructions. The Germanspre-robbed all the prisoners. At first, the prisoners were asked to hand in thekeys to their apartments to the prison commandant with the exact address. Thenall those arrested were robbed in the prison itself. The Germans took all theirvaluables from them: watches, money, rings, jewelry, etc .; boots, boots,boots, suits, coats - everything was removed from the prisoners. Fascistvillains were separated from beautiful prisoners from beautiful women andteenage girls and locked up in a separate cell. Their Nazis subjected toparticularly sophisticated torture. Having raped half-dead women andadolescents, having abused their victims, the villains cut off their breasts,ripped open their bellies, chopped off their hands and feet, and pierced theireyes. In the courtyard of the prison in the early days of the expulsion ofGermans from Kerch, our fighters discovered a room where a pile of girlishbodies mutilated by the Nazis lay. Young girls were so wildly and cynicallytormented that the photographer did not dare to direct the camera at thisterrible sight. In prison, in special torture chambers, German executionerssubjected people to all kinds of torment. Prisoners broke their arms, legs,ripped open their stomachs, etc. However, this was not enough for the Germanfascists: they equipped a shed in which German shepherds were kept, their seaswere starving. The Nazis pushed into the barn unfortunate doomed, whichferocious and hungry dogs immediately bitten. The Nazis chose the anti-tankditch as the site of the Kerch execution, dug last fall four kilometers fromthe city. The first to be taken to execution were exhausted and exhausted womenwith infants and the elderly. They barely moved from weakness, many of themfainted. Healthy men, young men and people with a strong physique were left bythe Nazis last.Having destroyed the civilian population in the city, the Nazisproceeded to exterminate the population of collective farms, state farms, andworkers' settlements. In the village of Samostroy No. 1, located 12 km fromKerch, bandits shot more than 400 people, in the areas of Kamysh-Burun,Rudstroy and GRES - several hundred people, in the small village of Yeni-Kale,Adzhimushka, Old Quarantine and other settlements, the Nazis tortured severalthousand people. In the village of Old Quarantine, where there was no prison,German bandits killed people in their own apartments. On November 26, Germanbandits planted an anti-tank mine under the house in which the family ofcollective farmer Ostapenko lived. The inhabitants of the house were not warnedabout this. At 2 pm, the house took to the air, and under its debris wereburied alive: Ostapenko Emelyan Yakovlevich, 50 years old, his wife EkaterinaAnisimovna, 49 years old, and their grandchildren: Anna, 3 years old, andMisha, 8 years old. In this way, the Nazis destroyed over 40 families; theNazis shot the secondary school teacher Alexandra Nikolaevna Zinchenko onlybecause she refused to serve as a translator for the Germans, citing poorknowledge of the German language.The Nazis exterminated everyone: Russians,Jews, Ukrainians, Tatars, Karaites, Krymchaks and Greeks. Jews wereexterminated with particular bitterness, subjecting them to particularlyhumiliating and brutal tortures before execution. Near the Seven Wells stationon two high-rises, over 360 shot Kerch were discovered, which the Germansinitially tried to take away with them. The entire road from Kerch to Feodosiawas further littered with the corpses of residents of the city and regions. Of the 7 thousandth mass of executed people, dozens of people accidentall survived.
Bagerovsky moat near Kerch. Grigory Berman over the bodies of his wife and children
(Pictures by E. Chaldey, 1942)
The author of these lines
managed to find some of them and talk with them. Here are some small passages
from the stories of these people.people, dozens of people accidentally survived. The author of these linesmanaged to find some of them and talk with them. Here are some small passagesfrom the stories of these people. A worker at the fish factory
I.S. Vayngardt, who managed to get out of the grave, says: “Before reaching
Bagherovo, the car became in front of the anti-tank ditch. The Nazis told us to
leave. Three police officers and 8-9 Germans with machine guns were waiting for
us at the car. They surrounded us and drove in the direction of the moat. When
we came closer, we saw a full moat of dead people. A terrible thing has begun.
Women started screaming, hugging children, begging the executioners not to
touch the crumbs, but the Germans began to beat them with their butts and drive
them into the ditch. The Nazis will drive five people, shoot them, and the rest
are waiting in line. My wife and I moved a little to the side. My wife says to
me: let's say goodbye. We hugged and hugged entered the moat, under execution.
Bagerovsky moat near Kerch. Grigory Berman over the bodies of his wife and children
(Pictures by E. Chaldey, 1942)
Shots rang out - and we fell. I feel that one bullet hit my hand, the other to
the side. I did not feel pain, but the blood poured hard. The wife of the
bullet hit the head. Then he felt that the Nazis began to flood us with earth
and trample us underfoot. Then I lost consciousness. ”
Hereis an excerpt from the story of Comrade Yarovy Mitrofan Ignatievich, 42 yearsold, working farm Marienthal: “At about 8 a.m. the Germans took 10 peoplearrested out of the cell, another 10-15 minutes later, another 20 minuteslater, another 20 minutes later. We were left in the cell 12. After half anhour the Germans called us The remaining ones were taken out into the courtyardand ordered us to take our hands back. We were lined up by 3 people each, 10Jews were driven to our group from another cell and brought to the car. We weretaken to Bagerovo. The Germans warned us that anyone who looks back will begiven a bullet in the forehead without warning. Following our truck was a carwith a convoy of machine gunners. The Germans brought us to the anti-tankditch, stopped the car on the highway and drove to the place of execution. TheNazis put us face to face in order to shoot in the back of the head. When theywere ordered to shoot, I lost consciousness and fell into the moat. How long Iwas without memory, I do not know. But when I came to, lying in a ditch underthe corpses, I heard the screams of women and children whom the Nazis broughtto the ditch and just as they shot us. By evening it was quiet. The Germansleft for dinner. ”The following passage from Sofia
Lifshitz’s story cannot be read without deep excitement; “On December 1, in the
morning, the prison commandant called me, children, and my husband into the
corridor. There he took our things, the keys to the apartment from us, wrote
down our address and put him in a lorry. When 20 people got into the truck, the
Germans drove us to the anti-tank Bagerovsky moat. As soon as the car drove
there, the police began to pull us off the truck: someone by the hands, someone
by the feet. The Nazis also pulled me out of the car. I fell to the ground and
began to beg the policeman with tears for him to let my children go. But he
began to drive me after the crowd to the ditch. At this time, a second
policeman came running and began to take off my coat. I told him: “Why are you
taking off your coat? What is it for you? You won’t live for a thousand years.
” In response to this remark, the policeman hit me hard on the head with a
rubber stick. My eyes darkened, and I fell into the moat, losing consciousness.
The children who were near me, holding on to my skirt, also fell with me into
the moat. When the Germans began to undress my husband, he began to shout
“Guard!” And fend off them. He managed to escape from these bandits and run to
me and the children. Police chased him and hit him on the head with rubber
sticks. His clothes were torn. He was all covered in blood. Standing beside me,
he shouted: “My children, where are you going? Where are you going? Here is the
way for you, run and save yourself! .. ”At that time, I again lost
consciousness. Then I woke up, began to gnaw on the snow. I lay for a long
time. All the time I heard the screams of women being shot, crying children.
One girl kept shouting: “Oh, uncle, why are you beating me!” After the
execution of each group, the Germans approached the moat and shot the little
children who were still alive. I lay on the snow upside down, not moving.
Bagerovsky moat near Kerch. Grigory Berman over the bodies of his wife and children
(Pictures by E. Chaldey, 1942)
Suddenly I heard a shot and felt a sharp pain in my legs. I was hurt in the
calves of both legs. I bit my lips and did not flinch. When it got dark, I felt
like I was being bombarded with earth. I began to choke and then carefully and
quietly freed my head. I saw that it was night and the moon was shining. When I
felt that I was freezing completely, I crawled out from under the ground, but
my wounded legs did not listen well to me. I crawled to the children. My Abrash
lay with his eyes open. I thought he was alive, and in a whisper I called him:
“Abrash, Abrash!” - but he did not answer me. Abrash and Marik were dead. The
Nazis shot my children heads. To keep warm, I took off my coat from Abrashi,
put it on myself, kissed the children and went, not knowing where. ”At the moat
and in the moat itself, scenes one minute more tragic than the other took
place. Children said goodbye to their parents, husbands - to their wives. Here
is what 20-year-old Anatoly Ignatievich Bondarenko, now a fighter of the Red
Army, who was lucky enough to get out of the German moat of death, tells: “When
we were brought to the anti-tank moat and built near this terrible grave, we
still thought that we were brought here in order to fill up the moat and bury
the corpses. I even thought the policeman would give us shovels soon. We did
not believe that they would shoot us. For what? But when shots rang out from
the machine guns aimed at us, I realized that they were shooting us. I
immediately rushed into the pit and lurked between two corpses. So, unharmed,
in a fainting state, I lay for a long time, almost until the evening. Lying in
the pit, I heard some wounded men shouting to the gendarmes shooting the
living: “Kill me too, you bastard!”, “Oh, I didn’t hit, you scoundrel, still
beat!” Then, when the Germans left for lunch, one of our fellow villager from
the pit shouted: “Rise, Russians, who is alive!” I stood up, and together we
began to scatter the corpses and pull out the living. I was covered in blood.
Over the moat was a light mist or steam from a cooling pile of bodies,
breathing of the dying and spilled blood. We pulled out Naumenko Fyodor and my
father, but my father was killed on the spot by an explosive bullet in the
heart. Late at night I got to my friends in the village of Bagerovo and there I
waited for the arrival of the Red Army. The other day I am leaving for the Red
Army, where the draft board is calling me. There, at the front, I will repay
the Germans for everything, for my father, for relatives, for neighbors and for
everyone. ”Here are excerpts from the story of 18-year-old Tatar Ibrahim
Gaziev: “I lay there in the ditch 3-4 hours. At this time, several more cars
were brought with people who were also shot by the Germans. There were men,
there were women with small, even infants. In the interval between the
departure of one car and the arrival of another, I heard some executioner say
to another: “Oh! They’re dropping women, there’s going to be a wedding! ”Soon,
indeed, cars with women approached the pit. They started shouting, crying,
holding the guys in their arms and did not let them into the pit, and the
Germans began to grab the children, throw them into the pit and shoot them. ”
Lifshitz’s story cannot be read without deep excitement; “On December 1, in themorning, the prison commandant called me, children, and my husband into thecorridor. There he took our things, the keys to the apartment from us, wrotedown our address and put him in a lorry. When 20 people got into the truck, theGermans drove us to the anti-tank Bagerovsky moat. As soon as the car drovethere, the police began to pull us off the truck: someone by the hands, someoneby the feet. The Nazis also pulled me out of the car. I fell to the ground andbegan to beg the policeman with tears for him to let my children go. But hebegan to drive me after the crowd to the ditch. At this time, a secondpoliceman came running and began to take off my coat. I told him: “Why are youtaking off your coat? What is it for you? You won’t live for a thousand years.” In response to this remark, the policeman hit me hard on the head with arubber stick. My eyes darkened, and I fell into the moat, losing consciousness.The children who were near me, holding on to my skirt, also fell with me intothe moat. When the Germans began to undress my husband, he began to shout“Guard!” And fend off them. He managed to escape from these bandits and run tome and the children. Police chased him and hit him on the head with rubbersticks. His clothes were torn. He was all covered in blood. Standing beside me,he shouted: “My children, where are you going? Where are you going? Here is theway for you, run and save yourself! .. ”At that time, I again lostconsciousness. Then I woke up, began to gnaw on the snow. I lay for a longtime. All the time I heard the screams of women being shot, crying children.One girl kept shouting: “Oh, uncle, why are you beating me!” After theexecution of each group, the Germans approached the moat and shot the littlechildren who were still alive. I lay on the snow upside down, not moving.Suddenly I heard a shot and felt a sharp pain in my legs. I was hurt in thecalves of both legs. I bit my lips and did not flinch. When it got dark, I feltlike I was being bombarded with earth. I began to choke and then carefully andquietly freed my head. I saw that it was night and the moon was shining. When Ifelt that I was freezing completely, I crawled out from under the ground, butmy wounded legs did not listen well to me. I crawled to the children. My Abrashlay with his eyes open. I thought he was alive, and in a whisper I called him:“Abrash, Abrash!” - but he did not answer me. Abrash and Marik were dead. TheNazis shot my children heads. To keep warm, I took off my coat from Abrashi,put it on myself, kissed the children and went, not knowing where. ”At the moatand in the moat itself, scenes one minute more tragic than the other tookplace. Children said goodbye to their parents, husbands - to their wives. Hereis what 20-year-old Anatoly Ignatievich Bondarenko, now a fighter of the RedArmy, who was lucky enough to get out of the German moat of death, tells: “Whenwe were brought to the anti-tank moat and built near this terrible grave, westill thought that we were brought here in order to fill up the moat and burythe corpses. I even thought the policeman would give us shovels soon. We didnot believe that they would shoot us. For what? But when shots rang out fromthe machine guns aimed at us, I realized that they were shooting us. Iimmediately rushed into the pit and lurked between two corpses. So, unharmed,in a fainting state, I lay for a long time, almost until the evening. Lying inthe pit, I heard some wounded men shouting to the gendarmes shooting theliving: “Kill me too, you bastard!”, “Oh, I didn’t hit, you scoundrel, stillbeat!” Then, when the Germans left for lunch, one of our fellow villager fromthe pit shouted: “Rise, Russians, who is alive!” I stood up, and together webegan to scatter the corpses and pull out the living. I was covered in blood.Over the moat was a light mist or steam from a cooling pile of bodies,breathing of the dying and spilled blood. We pulled out Naumenko Fyodor and myfather, but my father was killed on the spot by an explosive bullet in theheart. Late at night I got to my friends in the village of Bagerovo and there Iwaited for the arrival of the Red Army. The other day I am leaving for the RedArmy, where the draft board is calling me. There, at the front, I will repaythe Germans for everything, for my father, for relatives, for neighbors and foreveryone. ”Here are excerpts from the story of 18-year-old Tatar IbrahimGaziev: “I lay there in the ditch 3-4 hours. At this time, several more carswere brought with people who were also shot by the Germans. There were men,there were women with small, even infants. In the interval between thedeparture of one car and the arrival of another, I heard some executioner sayto another: “Oh! They’re dropping women, there’s going to be a wedding! ”Soon,indeed, cars with women approached the pit. They started shouting, crying,holding the guys in their arms and did not let them into the pit, and theGermans began to grab the children, throw them into the pit and shoot them. ”Who willcall us a beast fiercer than Hitler's bandit ?! There is no such beast innature. What rabid bitches fed these two-legged animals? What kind of cattleare these who enjoy and revel in the death of thousands of defenseless womenand children?Thehatred of every honest person towards these bloodsuckers is unquenchable; theanswer to the bloody atrocities of this scum of mankind can only be theirmerciless extermination. We will never forget and forgive these cannibals forthe sea of blood they shed in Kerch **. // B. Wolfson.As itwas established, Feldman arrived from Berlin with a special task from theGestapo - to organize the mass extermination of the population of the KerchPeninsula.The fate of the traitors, who have served the German fascists withtheir atrocities in Kerch, is not without interest. On December 29, in theevening, in connection with the approach of our valiant units to Kerch, theGerman commandant of the city kindly provided a police car and one of theirbelongings for the policemen and their belongings for Tokarov and his relativesfor an urgent departure from Kerch.Alltraitors could not fit in one truck. Many trudged on foot after the car. Butthey didn’t have to go for a long time: 7 km from Kerch the German commandantcaught them and offered to immediately release the truck for the woundedGermans, and clean the car of “Mr. Tokarev” for the officers officers. Arrivingon the truck 24 villains along with 97 traitors who came up, were ordered bythe German commandant to be lured into the beam and all, to a single, were shotfrom machine guns. Obviously, fearing revelations, the Germans decided to getrid of them. The traitor Tokarev and his closest friends, seeing what kind ofreprisal the Germans committed over their lackeys, chose to escape from them,leaving their suitcases in the car. Tokarev returned to Kerch. For two days hewas hiding with a neighbor under the bed. On the third day, the pioneers,seeing a bloody traitor in the courtyard, reported this to the police. On thesame day he was "imprisoned, and later convicted with a gang of Kerchvillains. They all suffered a well-deserved punishment.
* * *
Source:B. Wolfson. The bloody crimes of the Germans in Kerch. Historical Journal, No.8, August 1942, C. 33-36VladimirLidin: Tares * (Izvestia, USSR)BloodyGerman atrocities in Kerch * (Pravda, USSR)R.Belotserkovskaya: We will avenge the Nazis! * ("Red Star", USSR)V.Mitrofanov: Crimea in front of the lens || "Literature and Art" No.12, March 21, 1942
Exhumation of Nazi victims in Crimea
The story of an eyewitness of Nazi crimes in Crimea
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