Losses of small arms surprisingly accurate represented overall development of the war.

In just 6 months of 1941 Soviets lost (mostly captured) 5 and a half million rifles and 189 000 machine guns, reflecting the destruction of Soviet prewar army and more. In entire 1942 despite grievous losses in late spring and summer and most ferocious battles in military history in autumn, the loss was ‘only’ 2 180 000 rifles and 101 000 machine guns. In double the time losses more than halved mostly due to lost impact of ‘sucker punch’, surprise attack, but also growing abilities of Soviet side and ending of one side show. In 1943 Soviets lost more than 1 million rifles and 100 000 machine guns, again halving the losses of rifles despite being more or less on continuous offensive at neck braking pace. Lines in 1943 moved from Caucasus and Volga into western Ukraine and from approaches to Moscow to White Russia, lengths that dwarfed even Barbarossa.
Gigantic production of arms compensated for these losses and by 1/1/1943 Soviets had 5 620 000 rifles and 1 100 000 machine pistols in stock. In 1944 production was cut down indicating victory (if not formal) over the enemy, as losses further diminished and supply exceeded demand significantly. Production of rifles was 4 million in 1942, 3,4 in 1943 and 2,4 million in 1944.
Germans on the other hand until the end of the war had to increase (or try) production to compensate for ever greater losses.
by Luka Bilić
